Colin Selig

Sculpture + Sustainable Design


The City of Orinda’s Art in Public Places Committee worked with community members and the artist to select seven seats in a range of designs and colors for specific locations where people gather, including the expansive patio area outside the community center and library.  Kids are very responsive to these seats and are drawn to climb on them.  Also pictured is an orange bean love seat installed at the Wilder Recreation Area clubhouse.  Installed Fall 2015.




These benches were installed at the Monroe County Marathon Courthouse in the Florida Keys.  Funded by the County’s 1% Art in Public Places program, Elizabeth Young, Executive Director of the Florida Keys Council of the Arts said in a press release:  “These benches create a lovely, quiet space for people who visit and work at the Courthouse. They fit perfectly for the vision of a contemplative courtyard where those waiting for jury duty or perhaps a stressful trial would have a welcoming spot to sit and talk.”  The Art in Public Places Committee chose the cool ocean and blue sky tones.  “We were thrilled by Selig’s technique of upcycling materials that are 100% maintenance free and permanent – an essential component for public art,” Susann D’Antonio, Chair of the Art in Public Places Committee.  Installed Summer 2016.




This artist initiated exhibition, in collaboration with the Bedford Gallery at the Lesher Center for the Arts and The City of Walnut Creek, featured five seats installed at various locations in The City.  Pictured are benches at the Lesher Center, Pubic Library and City Hall.  The large purple bench inside the ground floor lobby of City Hall remains on long term loan.   Summer 2012.



As it looked for ways to enhance the grounds of its library with public art, The Town of Moraga selected this asymmetric love seat. The bright vermillion color was chosen so the seat would also serve as a way-finding element for passing drivers.  Installed Fall 2016.

